My Tiny Vim Configuration v1.0.0

Terry Tsang @ 青鳥脈博
2 min readJun 3, 2021

Originally published at on June 3, 2021.

最近又更新了自己的Vim設定檔。這次更新改動較大但不算多:更新了一些插件、修正了一些安裝問題、完善了說明文檔、清理了一些沒有用的檔案。不過最重要是這次改用了另一個相當sexy、針對較多不同語言高亮,還在持續開發的配色方案sonokai。因為這款配色主要支援全彩顏色,在那些古老而只支援256色顯示的terminal emulator上使用體驗會沒有那麼好,所以版本號直接跳上v1.0.0以作區分。



A major update of my own vim configuration is online… not too many changes actually. There are some plugin updates, bug fixes, cleanups, better documentation. And most importantly, a new, sexy color scheme “sonokai” has been applied! The color scheme supports full color, has better support to language specific syntax highlight, and is still under continuous development. However this color scheme may not work that well in 256-color terminal emulator than the color schemes I used before so I pumped the version number to v1.0.0.

I didn’t intend to put a lot of effort on this update. However I accidentally found some amazing color schemes and they really caught my soul. They made me rethink the color schemes on the software tools I’m using, and made me take this update more seriously. I’m even writing a new article to express my opinions on some popular color themes I know too! (But…



Terry Tsang @ 青鳥脈博

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